$35.00 -- Includes:
· True wheels and inflate tires
· Clean and repack bearings
· Clean and lube chain
· Replace cables (housings extra)
· Adjust brakes and derailleurs


$25.00 per hour plus parts
Fix the dings, plug the leaks, tighten the wobbles, lube the rusty joints, upgrades, downgrades, install accessories, ...

Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance,
you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein


Mid-Minesota Cycling Club
Twin Cities Bicycle Club
MN DOT - Bicycling in Minnesota
MN DNR State Trail Information

Hello ...

Gary Hornibrook My name is Gary Hornibrook and I'm the Cycle-Ologist. I've been turning wrenches on bicycles since working at Arapahoe Sports in Boulder, Colorado in the 1970's. Back then 40+ pounds of rolling steel was the norm. Serious riders could get a 10-speed road bike or a 10-speed road bike. And for those in between there was the classic 3-speed "English" bicycle. Choices were few, but it kept things simple. Nevertheless, change was on the way.

By the 1980's kids were racing around on BMX bicycles and us older folks were enjoying the new style mountain bikes with their fat tires to smooth out the bumps and their fatter seats to support our ever enlarging posteriors. Today there are so many different kinds of bikes sporting so many configurations and components it can make your head spin. Regardless, whether it's a classic Schwin Cruiser or a carbon-fiber Trek Yoshitomo, I can help you keep it riding straight and smooth.

Being the Cycle-Ologist is just an avocation for me, but I enjoy the the work. My rates are low and I'm alway fair. I work out of the house, so don't be shy, but please knock. Better yet, call ahead to make sure I'm around. The office number is 320.200.2920, my cell number is 218.590.7467. Till then, keep the wind at your back, helmet on your head, and your wheels on the trail!