iPgmr.com Whew! Digital Assistant Download
Downloading implies agreement with the terms and conditions of the
iPgmr.com no-cost license agreement.
iPgmr.com downloads are in the form of a V5R3 save file (*SAVF)
and should be restorable on systems at i5OS V5R3 and above. Click
on the desired download link and save the file to a PC that is
locally attached to your iSeries server. Then follow the restore
instructions outlined below.
This download is intended for demonstration use only. To recieve
a CD of the current production version of the system, including
all source code, please send a completed copy of the
license agreement
to iPgmr.com.
If you are unable to process the download file, please call iPgmr.com
at 320-200-2920. We can help you step through the process, or if
need be, send out a distribution CD.
- Click on the link above and save the download file to your PC.
- Note the destination directory for the download (i.e. c:\user\download\...).
- Create the save the file on your iSeries server.
- FTP the download file to the save file on your iSeries.
- Launch the Windows Command Prompt
Enter "cmd" in "Search the web and Windows" and press ENTER (W8,W10)
Click Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt (W7)
- Set the active directory to the directory with the download file.
C:\..........> cd \user\download\...
- FTP the file to your iSeries system
C:\..........> FTP 192.xxx.xxx.xxx (your iSeries local IP address)
Sign on using your iSeries user ID and password
FTP bin (set session to binary)
FTP cd /qsys.lib/qgpl.lib (set target library to QGPL)
FTP put whew.savf whew.savf
FTP quit
- Sign on to the iSeries as QPGMR or a user in the QPGMR group.
- Restore library WHEW from the save file.
- Report any restore errors to iPgmr.com.
- Delete the save file.
- From any command line, enter the start-up command and log-in.
Password AdminAaBb
- Contact iPgmr.com to request a walk-thru of the system.