iPgmr.com mEDIator System Download

Downloading implies agreement with the terms and conditions of the iPgmr.com no-cost license agreement.

iPgmr.com downloads are in the form of a V5R3 save file (*SAVF) and should be restorable on systems at i5OS V5R3 and above. Click on the desired download link and save the file to a PC that is locally attached to your iSeries server. Then follow the restore instructions outlined below.

If you are unable to process the download file, please call iPgmr.com at 320-200-2920. We can help you step through the process, or if need be, send out a distribution CD.

NOTE: The mEDIator download should include source code. If it does not, it was an unintentional omission. Please let us know and a new *SAVF will be posted to the download service.

NOTE: This download reflects the most current version of the mEDIator program product. If you are downloading to update an existing version of the mEDIator on your system, be sure to FIRST review the update information in text document QTXTSRC/EDIUPDATE.

CAN YOU HELP? We still need to develop interfaces for different translator and communication systems. We would appreciate the opportunity to work with you to build the interfaces for your systems so we can share them with other users. Contact us to see if you would be a candidate for this very important work.

    • Click on the link above and save the download file to your PC.
    • Note the destination directory for the download (i.e. c:\user\download\...).

  2. Create the save the file on your iSeries server.

  3. FTP the download file to the save file on your iSeries.
    1. Launch the Windows Command Prompt
      Enter "cmd" in "Search the web and Windows" and press ENTER (W8,W10)
      Click Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt (W7)
    2. Set the active directory to the directory with the download file.
      C:\..........> cd \user\download\...
    3. FTP the file to your iSeries system
      C:\..........> FTP 192.xxx.xxx.xxx (your iSeries local IP address)
        Sign on using your iSeries user ID and password
      FTP bin (set session to binary)
      FTP cd /qsys.lib/qgpl.lib (set target library to QGPL)
      FTP put mediator.savf mediator.savf
      FTP quit

  4. Sign on to the iSeries as QPGMR or a user in the QPGMR group.

  5. Restore library MEDIATOR from the save file.
    • Report any restore errors to iPgmr.com.

  6. Delete the save file.

  7. From any command line, enter the start-up command and log-in.
        User ID MEDIATOR
        Password mediator

  8. Contact iPgmr.com to request a walk-thru of the system.